What to Look for When Choosing Bottled Water for Children?
Here are some general guidelines regarding the type of water and the level of mineralization for children:
Type of Water: For most children, mineral water or spring water is appropriate. It is important to choose water with a low sodium content and free from chemical additives.
Level of Mineralization: It is generally recommended that children drink water with a low to medium level of mineralization. Water with a low level of mineralization is gentler on a child’s kidneys and easier to absorb. Too many minerals in the water can be difficult for a child’s body to process.
Safety: Bottled water is subject to strict quality control, which makes it a safe choice.
Functionality: Choosing the appropriate bottle size and type of closure facilitates the proper use of the product.
Remember that PET bottles are recyclable. It is important to dispose of used bottles in the appropriate container so that each of us takes responsibility for the natural environment.